Funko Pop! Animation Naruto Shippuden: Madara Uchiha (Six Paths)
About this Pop!
Prepare to witness the pinnacle of strength and mastery with the mesmerizing Funko Pop! Animation Naruto Shippuden Madara Uchiha (Six Paths). Drawing from the epic anime "Naruto Shippuden," this collectible brings the indomitable Madara Uchiha in his Six Paths form to life with unmatched detail and power.
š„ Madara Uchiha: The Apex of Power š„
Relive the captivating battles and legendary moments of "Naruto Shippuden" with this intricately designed Funko Pop! figure. Madara Uchiha, in his Six Paths form, exudes unparalleled strength and commanding presence. From his intricate armor to his menacing demeanor, every detail captures the essence of a character who redefined power in the anime universe.
š Anime Excellence Preserved š
All 4" Funko Pops! Come with a free soft shell protector.
All Sales Final.
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Funko Pop! Animation Naruto Shippuden: Madara Uchiha (Six Paths)